Giving back

100% income from my therapy work goes TO THESE CAUSES BELOW

I truly believe that when one heals oneself, they heal everyone around them too and break the cycle for every future
generation in their family.

When you invest in your future through working with me, your ripple effect extends further than you could ever imagine.
You are also contributing to changing the world of those in need.

One of our biggest values at Kim Dang Therapy is giving back our time and ALL the money collected to those who need it
and causes close to our heart so we can magnify the ripple effect of our clients.

Together, here are some donations and volunteer work we have made that have helped change lives


International Rescue Committee – help people affected by humanitarian crises to survive, recover and rebuild their lives.

Kiva – KimDangTherapy crowdfunds some green projects in developing countries.

Plum Village – As a Zen meditation practitioner for over 15 years, who also incorporate this practice in her work with clients, I consider Thich Nhat Hanh as my spiritual father, the first and profoundly impactful teacher to me.
Vietnam – Since 2000s, we’ve been collaborating with Buddhist nuns at different monasteries, providing financial support as needed on a case-by-case basis.


The midnight mission – Help homeless individuals in Southern California

CPAF – committed to Ending Domestic and Sexual violence in Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities by breaking through language, cultural and institutional barriers Learn To be – Free online tutoring for underprivileged kids

Narayan Seva Children’s home – a loving sanctuary for 78
marginalized children, in a self-sustaining, holistic

Bali Street Mums – provides desperately needed resources
including shelter, clothing, education, basic health care
and food to the impoverished women and children of
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

Realise and live the happy and
fulfilled life of your dreams

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