The answers
are within you

Our vision: To be a safe, encouraging and knowledgable space for you to find solace in improving your emotional, physical and relationship well-being, while healing yourself holistically.

About Kim

It’s our birthright to thrive in
every aspect of life.

Hi, lovely to have you here. I’m Therapist Kim. Healing isn’t just my job; it’s my life calling, my passion.

A sport injury in my 20s and a post patrum depression in my 30s prompted me to look for ways to improve my emotional and physical wellbeing.

What unfolded was a journey into the world of psychology, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, holistic cleansing, natural diet and nutritients, and physical movements with awareness.

I transformed not only my health but my relationships and my life.
And I know those of us who seek wellness could benefit greatly from this sustainable natural process of cleansing and healing, emotionally and physically.

This passion for being of service led me to where I am today: An US mental health practitioner who devotes her life to holistic way of healing and revitalizing, backed by ancient wisdom and advanced science.


Holistic therapy tailored to your needs

Here at KD land, we learn deeply about you. I guide and encourage you. Passionately and lovingly. Helping you kickstart an inner revolution of ownership over your well-being. To meet the most self-assured and vibrant YOU.

My Approach

Over the years, your mind and body have accummulated all sorts of “impurities” that can cause all sorts of problems.

I work side by side with your own inner wisdom (while you are in a theta brainwave state, a deeply relaxed and peaceful state). Together we guide you through your detox journey on multiple levels:

  • Mentally: Rewiring old thoughts,
  • Emotionally: Recognizing, embracing and releasing deeply buried feelings,
  • Physically: Utilizing advanced scientific body detox protocols that are based on ancient wisdom,
  • Energetically: Incorporating daily breathwork and physical exercises.

At the same time, following your own inner guidance and your own timing, we focus on your lifestyle, the primary source of many issues. We adjust your intake—thoughts, feelings, food, drinks, material goods, content, experience and even people—to prevent the re-accumulation of toxins. Through brainhacking, we reset old habits, creating a shift in thought, feeling, and action patterns.

My philosophy

We all have the power to invite life-altering changes
by being courageous, curious and taking ownership
of our well-being.

A little help and encouragement go a long way.

My Healing Journey

The Work I do

The science behind my work

Free Subconscious

Listen to this 10’ audio to rewire your
unsupportive beliefs.

Could we change our beliefs? Absolutely yes.
Beliefs are just habits of thoughts.
And a thought can be changed.

And as we integrate these supportive beliefs with daily
actionable tools, something beautiful happens—we begin to feel
a profound sense of relaxation and trust in ourselves and in life.

It’s in this space that deep healing and lasting transformation
naturally unfold, as the fruits of our commitment and dedication.

Throughout our daily 15-minute journey over the next month, I’ll
be right there with you, guiding you through a proven step-by-
step process. Together, we’ll embark on the journey of natural
healing for your mind and body.

Hey there,

I'm genuinely happy as you choose to improve
your life from the inside out.

Throughout our month together, I'll be sending
you occasional emails to guide you through the
process. Please make sure to follow the
homework step by step.

Think of me as your accountability partner—I
wholeheartedly believe in you, and I understand
that sometimes we all need a gentle push.

I'm here to listen to you—whether it's questions,
updates, insights, realizations, or any doubts or
fears you may have. Keep it short and to the
point, as my team and I are committed to
supporting everyone who needs it.

Love, Kim

Start your
journey today.

Ready to kickstart your wellbeing
journey? Just fill in your details and
receive the audio within 24 hours.

    Thea Nathan, England
    I have known Kim Dang for the past four years, and I can honestly say she is one of the kindest people I have ever met; she is also an exceptional Therapist. Kim has a way of making you feel completely safe and supported, which is essential when holding space for deep psychological healing.
    Sara Mun, France
    Within one month of seeing Kim the transformation has been drastic. I find myself with much more energy and motivation and am able to get out of bed early and work steadily throughout the day with full focus. Almost for the first time in my life I feel I have a chance to be happy and successful. I have been able to come off my ADHD medication and completed my dissertation which I had been struggling with for two years without making much progress due to my blocks and fears of failure. 
    Elizabeth Stowe, Switzerland
    If I run into more blocks, Kim would be my go to therapist! I know she’d give me fast results! Thank you Kim for my emotional freedom and amazing SLEEP
    Leon Suarez, Argentina
    . . . So Kim’s approach speaks to me greatly.   And her delivery is way beyond any expectation. I am being healed mentally and physically. Her detox protocol rids me of some yeast overgrowth that I never knew I had.   I feel lighter, sleep much better at night and my shoulder pain is gone. It is all related. Our body is a miracle. Treat it sacredly and it will thank you by being happy and pain-free.
    James Douglas, Taiwan
    My leaky gut is being healed beautifully. Kim’s deep inner work and body detox were a life changer for me. I have gone over a decade or maybe even more with leaky guts, many diets, treatments of all kinds, fasting of all kinds. . . . . I love that it is not as invasive as some protocols I have done in the past. Yet it is completely powerful. So many disgusting things have left my body, bladder stones, fat, cholesterol from my bile, . . . This experience was eye opening for me and powerful cleansing for my body.
    Lana Goldman, The Netherlands
    Kim, I am beyond happy. I just got my period, no horrible mood swings, all along painfree, symptom free. Not only that, I normally have a lot of black blood clots. They are all gone. All red healthy blood now 😀 The amount of blood is also back to normal, not too much some months or too little some months. Now we will see if it is back to normal next month. I have the feeling it is 😀 Now I truly feel what that means by feeling healthy in one’s mind and body. I am in great spirits and have great energy all day long. It is amazing!!! And the best thing is that my PMDD is totally cured. Thanks to you a million times!!! I am so blessed to receive your miracle help after years of seeking and disappointing.
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    Your path to a happier healthier life begins with a single step

    In KD land, you find free materials to start a new journey

    and financial support if you are ready to commit to this transformative daily work and need help financially.

    If you’d like to start right away and book a call with me,
    click below. I’m happy to answer any questions you might
    have and learn more about you and your journey so far.

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